How do Emotional Blockages affect our lives?

Emotional blockages are things we bring along in our life from when we were very young to now. They stop us from doing what we want to be, from having a voice, from following the career they really want to follow, from being the parent they really want to be.

Emotional blockages pave the way for Anger (excessive), Anxiety, Depression, Limiting Beliefs, Fear, Shame, Guilt and more. So it stops the client from having the life they want for themselves. They are on a roller coaster of emotions and don’t understand why. As adults we have justified so much … “I’ve worked on myself and I don’t get angry anymore”, or “I had a great childhood” or “I can’t stop crying and I don’t know why. My husband is getting very impatient with me” or “I just want to drive my kids to and from school but my anxiety is too much and I can’t get into my car”. What’s happening? Repressed emotions have not been dealt with so are coming up, just like a volcano, and they will and do, explode.

The profound effect of removing Emotional Blockages

By doing the work, they get to live the life they want for themselves, not what anyone else wants for them, including changing career if that is what they want to do. It creates harmony, joy and peace in their lives. Clients get tools for their toolbox of life to keep them in a great state for the rest of their lives.

Case Study

Sam came to me in crisis. He had tried everything … doctors, counsellors, psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, all to no avail. He felt his anger was out of control and affecting not just him, but his family as well. He was right. He was scared of the very real possibility of losing his family – his wife and children. He was at “the tipping point” as he described it and knew that unless he did something about this, he would lose his family. His wife also came and had a chat with me and confirmed that she and the kids could no longer put up with his extreme anger. It was frightening her and their 3 children. So, the whole family realised they all had anger issues and all 5 of them went through the program and have gone from seriously considering divorce to now being a connected unit and with joy and happiness back into their family. They are a family again and Sam and his wife have reconnected.

The effective treatment for Emotional Blockages

Clinical Hypnotherapy, light trance, coaching. We are always speaking with the subconscious as it is the boss.

What to expect…

Light trance, deleting limiting beliefs, discovering the positive learnings from an emotional event and tools for your toolbox of life.

Contact Rebecca for more information

The Stories of Success

“We started seeing Rebecca when my son developed multiple food allergies in 2007. He developed rashes and hives when he consumed common daily products like garlic, oranges, strawberries etc. I scoured the internet and found Rebecca. She was the only NAET practitioner in WA at that time. I was still a sceptic with NAET even though my other child had one treatment in my home country. I made an appointment for my son to see her. Rebecca had excellent patient care and was genuinely concerned about the well being of my son. She did the allergy elimination for him. His allergies thereafter seem very much reduced. We did not turn back since then. All thanks to Rebecca!”

Audrey Wong

“Since I saw you I’ve been feeling more balanced and this I feel has helped with my immune system – cleared my nose! Also from our session, I’ve felt quite a dramatic change regarding my attitude towards doing things I would normally put off (being scared of failing) all I can say is: love has won over fear!!! THANK YOU!”


“I want to thank Rebecca Privilege at Natural Healing Therapies, Australia for her treatment of my allergies.

“For years I had been putting up with an allergic reaction to spider webs. Touching or brushing past a web would cause my eyes to go red, swell and become very itchy. As these symptoms subsided, the area around my eye would feel tender to touch as if bruised. These symptoms would usually last for a day or two before healing completely.

“Although the problem was annoying, especially as I love spending time outdoors, I never did anything to resolve it believing it was something I needed to learn to live with BUT no longer do I worry. After one treatment with Bec, I am symptom free. I have cleaned spider webs from my eaves and patio with no reactions at all. The biggest test was when I recently walked into a web which swept across my face and stuck in my eyelashes and hair. I immediately expected the usual reactions, swollen, red itchy eyes. As I waited for this reaction to begin, I found myself getting more and more excited as nothing happened. Not an itch, tingle or anything to resemble an allergic reaction. Thanks for changing my life Bec.

“I highly recommend a treatment with Rebecca for any allergy problems.”

Kathy Bolton