Stress and exhaustion are natural experiences that we humans go through. With all the endless tasks that need to be done, and the expectations placed upon us in doing them perfectly in this modern world, emotions can be high, urging our bodies to cry for help. This is when the immune system crashes and we become sick, from simple cough and colds to more serious diseases such as cancer. Modern medicine and technology can do so much, but what if there is a safer and more natural way to not only heal the body, but also keep it healthy and brimming with life?

Reiki is a traditional Japanese technique for reducing stress and promoting physical healing. The name itself pertains to the art of beckoning an unseen life force energy, chi, which is believed to flow through us and keep us alive. If this life force energy becomes too low, we become susceptible to all kinds of dis-eases. It is therefore important that the flow of energy is maintained, and such is offered by regularly practicing of Reiki.

Using the “hands on technique”, Reiki improves our lives by bringing us into deep relaxation and providing balance to our body. It clears energy blockages, detoxes and enhances the immune system, relieves stress and anxiety, and provides vitality in the form of healing universal life energy. Treatments using this method can help in the following instances: when we are facing difficult challenges in life, as support during pregnancy, to calm children, to give reassurance to animals, and to bring comfort at the end of life.

Rebecca Privilege Complete Health & Wellness is one of the most reliable practitioners and Teachers of the Usui Reiki technique. With more than 26 years of experience, she has mastered the way to healing bodies using all natural methods that bring life and vitality to every one of her clients. For more information, contact us today and get started on a healthier, livelier you!